Category Archives: Life

The day to day aspects of life: what is happening around the house and in our family

Merry Christmas!

It’s December 25th…I’m still wearing my PJs and robe and it’s fast approaching noon- it must be a good day 🙂

Christmas has been good to Irene and I this year.  We have each other, and our cats are all healthy and happy at the moment.  We are going over to my Sister and Brother-in-law’s place in a couple of hours, where we’ll have a happy day of time with the family.  Surrounded by loved ones, enjoying food and company- that’s what Christmas is about for me.

Continue reading Merry Christmas!

I think summer is over…

We had well over 20 cm of snow last night…

It’s still coming down.  And for once the meteorologists had the forecast almost bang-on.  It’s a bit of a shock to go from zero snow, having seen perhaps only two or three days with even light frost, to a “winter wonderland” overnight.  But it is also something you just can’t avoid when you live in a temperate coastal rainforest climate.  Winter means huge moist airmasses smacking into sometimes frigid air- a perfect formula for snowfall.

Continue reading I think summer is over…

Meet our new kitten

We weren’t going to adopt another cat.

You know we are in trouble when my post starts off “We weren’t going to adopt another…”.  And once again, it’s Irene who wedged the chisel into the cracks in my steely resolve.  There were feral (semi-wild) kittens, you see, at the rescue shelter where she volunteers.  And one of them was very scared, and curled up and buried his head in her sweater and purred when she was there.  And it was very sad, and very cute, and couldn’t she please bring her home?

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Long silence…catching up

I haven’t been posting here for a loooong time: over a month, I think.  So, what’s up?

In the past month, I’ve been doing the following things:

  • spent a lot of time exploring Second Life
  • caught and started recovering from a really bad cold.  I’m still sick, but gradually returning to normal
  • worked
  • took a weekend holiday with Irene for our anniversary
  • posted some pictures to the gallery here from when my friend Chris was visiting

Continue reading Long silence…catching up

Taking in the fresh air…

Irene has been aquasizing for a couple of months now as part of the recovery process from her hip replacement operation.  She’s going an amazing five or six times a week, and it really has been helping her: she’s walking better and better, and has even been able to go on some quiet rides on her horse Spirit. 

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