Category Archives: Site news

Blogging about blogging

Kelly’s World: Non-Motorcycle Thoughts

You may notice some changes to this blog (Kelly’s World). Specifically, you might notice that my posts about motorcycles are missing.

no motorcycle content

Fear not! My motorcycle content has been relocated to a separate blog: Geek on a Harley. Kelly’s World will remain the place to check for my non-motorcycle and more personal thoughts and interests. Please take a look at the new blog and follow/subscribe to it if it appeals to your interests!

Continue reading Kelly’s World: Non-Motorcycle Thoughts

Server updates- A Good Thing™

So I heard there were some updates for my web server OS, so I updated the updates so I could update. Yikes what a pleasure- but this would probably be easier if I did it more than once a year or so. Or not.

I decided to document a bit about what I needed to do to go from Fedora 25 to Fedora 34, with a few side trips into Apache (HTTP) issues around Fedora 33.

Continue reading Server updates- A Good Thing™

Recovering ‘lost’ pre-WordPress blog content from PHPNuke

I upgraded this site from PHPNuke to WordPress in 2005.  The cut over was rather abrupt and poorly thought out by yours truly.  At the time, I believed I had successfully migrated all of my old content to the new environment.  But several years later (!!), I realized the migration had left any article from my old site with a ‘read more’ tag without more to read in my WordPress configuration.  This bothered me, and today I decided to see what I could do to ‘fix’ it.

Continue reading Recovering ‘lost’ pre-WordPress blog content from PHPNuke

Moving some of my posting activity from Facebook back to blog

I am going to start posting more on my blog, and a little less on Facebook: or at least that’s my intent.  Why?  Because Facebook owns a bit too much of my time, and I want to revitalize my blog a bit.  Also, Facebook is not really good for ‘long form’ posts… and the never-ending-scroll of the newsfeed seems designed to make everything “Yesterday’s news”.    And I find that I ‘stretch’ myself a bit more on my blog: in terms of what I post, and in terms of the effort it takes to make my blog run.

Use the ‘subscribe to blog via email’ link in the upper right side of any post on if you are interested in what I post on my blog.  You’ll start receiving an email notification when I add a new post.   The subscription is managed via, so you can even set it up to only notify you once a week or what have you.

I’m not ‘leaving’ Facebook: I’ll still be checking my news feed, probably more often than I should.  But I’ll be turning down the tap a bit, hopefully successfully.


Improving the performance of WordPress: my experiences

I recently upgraded my web server hardware and so, in that spirit, it seemed like a good time to refresh the configuration of my blog software.  I had previously made several attempts to ‘make it fast’, but with only limited improvement.  This time, however, I seem to have made some good progress… read below the fold for some details of my effort.

Screenshot 2017 06 28 14 48 04

Continue reading Improving the performance of WordPress: my experiences

Upgrading the ‘’ web server

You will have undoubtedly noticed that my blog here has been down over the past several days if you’ve been trying to visit. Have no fear!

I completed a hardware upgrade of the server behind While I was at it, I upgraded the OS (Fedora) to the latest version, and did some initial ‘tweaking’ to improve WordPress performance. Details follow below if you are interested….

Continue reading Upgrading the ‘’ web server

Domain name search registration scam

I registered a new domain name yesterday: My current vague plan is to move my motorcycle-related posts from here to the new blog in an effort to make the ‘eclectic’ nature of my posts slightly less so. I.e.: people interested in my motorbike related posts won’t get any cat or politics related posts mixed in.

But that isn’t what this post is about. Instead it is about the scam email that arrived in my email inbox today, the day after registering my new domain.

Continue reading Domain name search registration scam

My, that is a lot of spam…

I have been running a personal blog for many years- arguably since about 1997.  I think I switched to WordPress in 2005 after previously managing with a static HTML page and then a PHPNuke website.  I started getting comment ‘spam’ shortly after I started using WordPress: like email spam, spam comments are irritating messages that aren’t really created by actual people who have something meaningful to say.
NewImageThankfully, the folks at Automattic who make WordPress provided something called Akismet to ‘block’ or filter spam comments.  I activated Akismet, and managing spam became more or less a memory… but the numbers, goodness… the numbers are huge.

Continue reading My, that is a lot of spam…

Site upgrades

My vast audience has no doubt noticed that the site has been sporadically unavailable, slow, or outright broken periodically for the past few days.  I won’t go into all the details at this time, although I expect such details will be coming.

For now, be aware that I have made/am making a number of updates/upgrades to improve performance, mobile device compatibility, and functionality of the site.  I also intend to start posting a little bit more regularly.

In the interim, please accept m apologies for the disruptions!