I’ve been touched by his noodly appendage!

Kansas has enacted new laws to permit instruction in “Intelligent Design” (I.E. God created Earth and all life 6,000 years ago…) in schools. At first, I was horrified by this: school is for instruction in math, sciences, literature and history, not for the teaching of faith masquerading as fact. But then, I was enlightened: I have become a Pastifarian.

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The danger of knowing too much…

I’m catching up on some reading while I’m sick with the flu. I finished reading “The Da Vinci Code”, which was a lot better than I expected. Basically, a mystery novel with a bit of the old conspiracy theory “fantasy” mixed in, combined with what seemed to be impeccable fact finding to provide just the right level of reality.

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Living dead…

I’m worn out and tired today. I’m feeling like I’m starting to catch a cold. It rained all day, and my car still isn’t fixed.

As I shuffled about the house, trying to keep my last few functioning neurons firing, I realized it was good to be alive. I also realized I hadn’t posted anything to my blog in a week, and the best I could come up with was to post about how worn out I am.

Continue reading Living dead…

Some days it doesn’t pay to get out of bed…

I was driving in to work this morning…the usual stop and go on Highway 1. I had just entered the highway and noticed traffic had come to a complete stop. I came to a complete stop, and a second later my car was propelled forward a couple yards into the car in front of me…the guy behind hadn’t noticed that the traffic wasn’t moving.

Continue reading Some days it doesn’t pay to get out of bed…

XBox thoughts

I’ve had my XBox for a little over a week now. In that time, I’ve played maybe 10 hours on the box, and spent another 5 hours putzing with setup and hardware. I now feel qualified to offer a bit of an opinion.

I’d say that Microsoft’s XBox is a pretty cool piece of technology. I thought this when they first released it back in, I guess, 2000. A console based on PC technology- it has an Intel processor, uses an NVidia video processor, and has a hard drive- basically, a purpose built PC compatible. But why would I have one of these when I already have a much more powerful PC on my desk?
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