Nova Scotia Vacation Pictures
I decided to avoid procrastinating by converting/uploading all of our vacation photos today. I’m done, and you can check them out in our gallery, or read on for more specific links.
I decided to avoid procrastinating by converting/uploading all of our vacation photos today. I’m done, and you can check them out in our gallery, or read on for more specific links.
Irene and I got back home yesterday (Monday) somewhat before noon local time. The vacation was great and I enjoyed seeing Nova Scotia, but it is probably somewhat telling that both Irene and I slept for nearly 16 hours when we got home.
The main things I would change for next time would be to stay longer, and more importantly to stay longer in each hotel.
Irene and I are on day two of our vacation to Nova Scotia. So far, I am having a lot of fun. We’ve flown too far, eaten too much, and now I have wind burn. In my previous post I provided a link to our travel “map”: in theory, it is supposed to be updated in near real time, but for some reason it stopped updating yesterday. I forced it to update earlier this evening, but don’t have a lot of faith that it will keep working going forward.
Today I have uploaded my first batch of pictures…
I installed a little "trip tracker" app on my BlackBerry before I left. It is called GPSed and, other than the fact that it seems to have a dickens of…
I’m organizing my electronics, clothing, and sundries for our trip to Nova Scotia. The plane leaves at around 7:30 PM tomorrow, and we arrive in Halifax at about 6:30 am or some similar ungodly hour- I’m only vaguely aware of the actual itinerary.
The actual details of the travel are not that interesting to me at the moment. The important stuff, of course, is what to take and what to do when we get there.
I found this on Gizmodo today, and when I watched the video I couldn't help laughing out loud... It is really awesomely incredibly great and unbelievable! The video is…
If you are running a WordPress based blog like I am and suddenly notice your post URLs have something “extra” appended (see the subject line), your blog has been hacked.
You can read more about it here (thanks, UCLABoyz, thanks schang!), where you will also find guidance regarding cleaning the problem up. Unfortunately, it appears that the hack works on all versions of WordPress up to and including the most recent.
I have BadBehavior installed on my blog, and so it was rejecting the URLs with this addition which I *think* would be thwarting the hackers involved: they hadn’t been able to create an administrative user. Unfortunately, it also meant none of my blog posts were working properly until I noticed the problem and corrected it.
Hopefully WordPress will issue a fix for this soon- in the mean time, keep an eye on your URLs, WordPress bloggers!
UPDATE: Another link to a lengthy thread regarding this hack on the site. What is interesting here is the apparent vector: a weakness in the WordPress code, apparently up to and including the most recent release, that permits an ordinary subscriber (i.e.: not an administrative user) to run some administrator features e.g.: changing the permalinks.
UPDATE #2: it appears that updating to the most recent version of WordPress (2.8.4) removes the “double slash” vector for running some admin commands (notably permalink.php). This fix was apparently added somewhere between WordPress version 2.8 and 2.8.4.
I’ve included some extracts from my server logs and further thoughts below…