Category Archives: Site news

Blogging about blogging

Gradually re-adding articles

I’ve started the process of migrating my bigger pieces of content from the old site. For folks who haven’t had the pleasure, this includes larger chunks of text I’ve written about topics like Dungeons and Dragons, massively multiplayer gaming, and some of my computer projects. They don’t really have the same sort of timeliness as a blog posting, and are prone to being rather lengthy.

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What the heck is this?

Blogging…I’m pretty sure that term was invented by the same group of irritating people who more recently came up with “podcasting”.

I’ve had what I call a “vanity” website for about 9 years now. I have been posting stuff about myself, that interests me, or that I wanted to experiment with all that time. But I’ve never really called what I do “blogging”, even though my most recent website incarnation has looked an awful lot like a blog.

Continue reading What the heck is this?

Google news feed fixed!

Huzzah! I finally got around to sitting down for the couple of hours necessary to fix my Google news feed parser thingy. Aren’t you proud of me?

Okay, so its not *that* exciting. But it involves several fairly nasty regular expressions, and for anyone who knows what a RegEx is, well, you know they can be difficult at times.

Server 99% rebuilt

Its official: the new server hardware for this site is now in place!

My apologies for the sporadic availability of this site during the last few days. All three of you are probably incensed 🙂 But as with any upgrade of this type involving hobbiest hardware and configurations, it wasn’t smooth.

There were a ton of bits and pieces that I had installed software-wise over the last year, some of which were critical to operating certain pieces of the site. Stuff like php-cli, nc, and other things of that ilk. But to add insult to injury, the new versions of several key pieces of the site (E.G. Apache, PHP) now handle configuration files differently. As “obvious” as certain directives no longer working, and as subtle as required environment variables now needing different initial values. So I couldn’t just copy over my old config files and call it a day.

With all of this hassle, you are probably wondering why I did this. I refer back to one of my previous entries here

The old server was an 866 MHz Pentium III. More than adequate for my needs. But now the server is running on a dual processor “2000+” (1.66 GHz) AMD Athlon configuration. Processing-wise, at least, I now have four times as much power. And a larger hard drive: nearly twice as big.

Of course, the most important thing is that I’ve freed up some hardware to use for building Irene a new computer. Yeah, that’s the ticket… 🙂

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