Category Archives: Rants

I have an asshole. I have an opinion. Any questions?

Turn around and put your hands behind your back…zzZZap!

I generally have a lot of respect for police officers. Lately, there have been a lot of questions raised regarding the use of tasers by police. To me, a taser is an alternative to deadly force: if the cop feels they have to use a gun, or if they feel that the next step will be hand to hand combat, then the taser gives them an alternative.

Continue reading Turn around and put your hands behind your back…zzZZap!

Canadians becoming less tolerant?

I heard several news reports regarding some study performed recently on Canadian attitudes towards immigrants.  The conclusion was that Canadians are less tolerant than we used to be, and several of the news reports said we are “more racist”.  They then cited such things as requiring Moslem women to reveal their faces for ID purposes when voting, and referenced our vaunted “cultural mosaic” political mantra.

Continue reading Canadians becoming less tolerant?