I recently ordered the items necessary to replace my MacBook Pro in my office with a Mac Mini. That computer is over five years old now and portability is no longer a requirement so the change makes a certain degree of sense. My intent is to make this a good workstation for my computer-related hobbies: blogging, fiddling a bit with coding, and a possibly a few online learning activities.

The Mac Mini will be my first ‘Apple silicon’ Mac, sporting the latest M4 processor. I anticipate that it will be a nice improvement over the older Intel CPU in my circa 2020 MacBook Pro. I’ll write a more detailed post about the computer setup later.

The new computer has not yet arrived, but getting my office ready for the upgrade has triggered a number of other changes. This mostly involves moving my desk, unpacking some long-ignored boxes from our move four years ago, and doing a bit of cleaning. Like most of the things I do, the process is very slow: I’m now entering week three of my activity on this project.

Desk moved

office desk moved to face the wall underneath window

Moving the desk was relatively easy. It was originally situated so I faced towards the centre of the room, but now I will face a window. This makes the centre of the fairly small room a bit more open, which is good. I still have to re-do the cabling in and around the desk but I’m holding off on that until the computer arrives.

I concluded that the large whiteboard I equipped my office with when I was still working is now mostly just an obstacle. So that will be disposed of shortly- hopefully going to someone who can put it to good use. I like having a whiteboard, but a 4’x5′ glass board on rollers is a bit much for my retirement needs.

Boxes unpacked

corner of room with angled roof illustrating space cleared by unpacking boxes
Empty space formerly occupied by a collection of storage boxes

A packed box is a clear demonstration of the old ‘out of sight, out of mind’ cliche. But I made a personal commitment to get rid of at least a few such boxes that were occupying my workspace. There were twelve of the stalwart Rubbermaid totes, including one giant double-sized one, in this area. Six of these were brazenly stacked up against the wall in one corner next to my gaming desk. I’ve managed to unpack four and a half of these repositories of ancient mysteries.

The eight remaining unpacked boxes have been squeezed into my office’s small closet. Ideally I would have more useful storage so I could completely unpack the strange and wonderful items the remaining boxes contain. I am challenged, however, by the strange geometry of the office space itself. The roofline means that about 40% of the walls are at a 45 degree angle which makes adding cabinets or similar furniture for storage difficult.

Display cabinet with small trinkets and collectable items
Curio cabinet full of… curios.

A lot of what I unpacked now resides in or on the display cabinet I’ve had for years. I added a bit of LED lighting to this cabinet a while back as part of my lengthy preparation for the actual unpacking of items to display. I still have some work to do organize my ‘treasures’ a bit less haphazardly, but at least the items are no longer languishing in plastic bins.

Cleaning started

The last thing I want to do before I set up my new computer is a bit of cleaning. My office needs a good dusting and the floors need some scrubbing. That requires removing some of the empty totes and some general tidying. I’ve started the process, but it will likely take a few more days to complete. Or a few weeks- time is relative.

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