I was reading a story the other day about how Apple’s $600 iPod is actually a disposable music player. Basically, its rechargable battery isn’t replacable. And, at least initially, Apple’s policy was to charge for $300 for full refurbishment when the battery inevitably died. Continue reading Disposable $600 iPods…
Monthly Archives: December 2003
Quebec can learn from France…
I was reading a story today about France outlawing headscarves and other religious symbols in their schools. The stance being taken is that these types of symbols divide people and, instead of teaching tolerance, encourage cultural isolation. Continue reading Quebec can learn from France…
Saddam captured!
My reaction when I read about Saddam Hussein being captured was to say “about bloody time”.
On being anti-social…
My wife’s (Irene) parents came over from Victoria to visit this past weekend. Irene’s Aunt from Zimbabwe was also here, staying at Judith’s (Irene’s *other* aunt) home. Simultaneously, friends from Edmonton (Hi, Janet and Gord!) were in town.
Right off the bat, anyone who really knows me will realize that all these people, despite the fact I love them all, are a problem for me. You see, I’m anti-social…
I’ve trained myself through years of practice to not visibly panic when faced with a social situation. Now I safely internalize all of that uncertainty and fear. Well, more or less safely…
Continue reading On being anti-social…