Category Archives: Geek Miscellany

Black holes, LHC, Star Wars, quantum uncertainty… if it is of general geek interest, but doesn’t fit into one of the other categories, it lands here.

Almost one for the Darwin Awards…

There are people out there who really renew my faith in Darwinism. People who forcefully and surgically remove themselves from the gene pool through their own basic ignorance, stupidity, or plain bad judgement.


Normally, though, these people are somewhere “far, far away”. Today, however, I came across an article in the paper edition of our little local paper (the Now newspaper).


It seems a fellow really, really wanted some copper wire…
Continue reading Almost one for the Darwin Awards…

Abbotsford Airshow

My friend Chris was out visiting this past week (he just went home yesterday). While he was here, in addition to several movies and a dozen hours or so of computer gaming, we went to the Abbotsford Airshow.

 I planned on taking a bunch of pictures, but unfortunately I hadn’t properly charged my camera. As a result, I only got a few. I’ve included a bunch of Chris’s pictures to round out the selection. Here is a nice picture of a couple of “aggressor” camouflaged F-5 Tiger jets: click on the picture to go to the gallery folder with the airshow pictures.


Continue reading Abbotsford Airshow

Goofy ideas that make sense…

I have a wireless network at home. I don’t like its limited range. And I’ve been thinking about buying an “official” range extender from my access point’s manufacturer.

But when I saw this range extending antenna, I nearly jumped right in and ordered it.

The idea of an antenna based upon a hacker’s toy (using a Pringles or similar can to get extra WI/FI range) strikes me as very intriguing. And the Cantenna seems, on the surface at least, to be based on some reasonably sound antenna principles.

I might still buy one, even if I’m not sure whether it really works. The concept appeals to me, and its not outrageously priced 😉
Continue reading Goofy ideas that make sense…

Google hates me…

Another chapter has been written in the ongoing saga of my battle with Google’s news site and my desire to post “top news” links from it on my page.

In this latest episode I had to do battle with their restructuring of their page, the inclusion of new translated characters in their URLs, and other problems. I *think* I have it licked, although it may take another few refreshes before the “bad” news items get pushed off my my page. Continue reading Google hates me…

Safety First!

Someone on one of the message forums I frequent posted a German “safety” video.
You need Windows Media to watch it: if you have Windows, you probably are good to go. If you are connecting over a low speed connection, be warned that the file is several megabytes (7 MB, approximately): you might be best off to save it locally. To do this, right click the above link and select save as, save it somewhere, then go have supper/a nap/build an ark. When you come back, double click on the *.wmv (Windows Media) file you’ve just downloaded.
Make sure you watch it for several minutes, and be warned: its graphically violent…albeit in a humourous, Monty Pythonesque sort of way.

Sore back…

My back hurts at the moment. Really badly. Sort of on the right side, between the shoulder blades. Its bad enough that the pain shoots down my arm, and at times I feel like I can’t breath.

 Yesterday I couldn’t even lift a coffee cup with my right hand. Reaching for the mouse on my computer hurt. I drove to a store five minutes away, and ended up having Irene drive back because I couldn’t steer well due to the shooting pain.

 Today its a bit better…a Tylenol 3, two Robaxecets, and a couple of Vioxx so far, and its only 2:30 PM. All of this pain is one thing, but what really bugs me is …

Continue reading Sore back…