How not to show off your piercings…

I’ve often wondered how the pre-flight security checks handle people with “intimate piercings”: now I know. Rather rudely, apparently.

On the one hand, I can feel sorry for the poor woman who was forced to rip her nipple piercing out with a pair of pliers…


On the other hand…

… I’m rather pleased to see that the security folks are at least trying to be thorough. I ranted once to my wife, who was required to give up her fingernail clippers on one flight, that there was a woman on that same flight wearing a belt made out of steel chain links… yet she was let on. They should at least *try* to be consistent and logical.

What threat did they think the nipple piercings could harbour? Did they expect the passenger in question to whip out her breasts and stab people with them? And what about people with even more intimate piercings (warning: not safe for work)? I gotta think those would set off alarms too…

I am happy, I guess, that I lack whatever predisposition it is that leads people to poke chunks of metal through their parts. I’m embarrassed enough when I have to take my shoes off at the pre-flight checkin.

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