- Kelly's World- A View into the mind of Uber Geek, Kelly Adams - https://www.kgadams.net -

Pussy pictures…

I have a couple of kitten pictures of Iris and Bilbo that show how a fourteen year old and (at the time) a 14 week old kitten can co-exist.

Bilbo and Iris [1]

 This is a pretty common way for Bilbo and Iris to curl up together.  Bilbo basically flattens Iris…for her part, Iris purrs and licks Bilbo. 

Bilbo and Iris [2]

And this is Bilbo and Iris on Irene’s lap.  In this case, Bilbo was there first- Iris came and wormed herself in, and the both started purring. 

It’s worth noting that, the first few days Iris was in the house, she arched her back and hissed at nearly all the cats in the house.  It took a few days for them to settle in, and Bilbo was very kind to her throughout the process of adjustment.  Within a week, the kind of behaviour you see here was normal.

… and no, this post isn’t an excuse to put the word “pussy” on my website 🙂