- Kelly's World- A View into the mind of Uber Geek, Kelly Adams - https://www.kgadams.net -

Close enough for you, bub?

I’m going to the Abbotsford Airshow [1] in a few weeks with my friend Chris.  I’m not terribly knowledgeable about aircraft, but I enjoy being able to get up close and personal with fighter jets in particular.

But maybe not this close [2] (Gizmodo)….at least not when they are flying at several hundred miles an hour.


close_typhoon [3]

[tags]Eurofighter, typhoon, aircraft, airshow[/tags]


This image is taken looking out the back of a Hercules 130 cargo transport.  They were filming the Eurofighter Typhoon [4], and apparently the director kept asking the pilot to come “closer…closer…”.  Looking at the photo, I’d say the jet is perhaps three or so metres behind the cargo plane.  Now *that’s* close 🙂