- Kelly's World- A View into the mind of Uber Geek, Kelly Adams - https://www.kgadams.net -

Computerholics Anonymous, here I come…

Hello, my name is Kelly, and I’m addicted to technology.

It all started innocently enough. Like a lot of youngsters, I had to try it out. Just once…it wasn’t like it was going to be a regular thing. That first Apple II was pure bliss…but it was the beginning of a never-ending spiral into some microchip-besotted hell.

What the heck am I rambling about? Well…

You see, I’ve ordered the pieces for another computer system today. I honestly don’t need to upgrade my Linux server. But Irene wants to give her old computer to her Dad. This seems like a noble cause, so I want to help out. Helping out means that I get to build her a replacement computer.

Well, I could probably put the pieces together for a replacement that would be a significant upgrade for a few hundred dollars. But where is the fun in that? No, it would be much better to upgrade my Linux server, and rebuild the pieces from the old Linux box into a nice new machine for Irene. Sure, that would be good- I’d be getting two upgrades for the price of one, right?

Well, sort of. As it turns out, I spent about three times as much as I would have originally if I had just built Irene a new computer. Because, naturally, a little upgrade isn’t enough. I needed a new motherboard….two processors would be nice, wouldn’t they? Yes, symmetrical multiprocessing…always wanted to try that out. And, of course, that means two CPUs…and don’t forget a hard drive- need one of those, too, so that I can give Irene the old one. And memory…yep, need to free up some RAM for Irene’s upgraded computer, so I can’t reuse the old RAM. Oh, and dual processors needs a larger power supply…

Here I am now, holding a still warm and faintly smoking credit card. I’m pretty sure I’m still financially solvent, but my eyes are a little blurry. In a week or so I’ll be in geek heaven…

… do you think I need help?